Welcome to our Policies. It is important that every aspect of the DanceStruck community is respected and transparent for all.
Please take a moment to read the below, and feel free to let us know if you have any questions. We look forward to working with everyone to maintain a safe and positive environment for your child as they pursue their love of dance.
General Information
To finalise enrollment, parents and/or guardians must read and agree to the DanceStruck Membership Agreement and Payment terms. Simply log into the Member portal and review and accept the terms when prompted on first login.
It is also assumed all students and families have read, understood and agree to the policies outlined on this page.
Our policies cover the following:
- Keep Kids Safe in Dance
- Code of Conduct for Students & Staff
- Enrollment Policies & Procedures (Fees, Late Payments, Disruptions, Withdrawal)
- Program Requirements (Pre-requisites, Uniform, Performances, Costumes)
- Intellectual property and copyright (Filming, Recording and Photography)
- Liability, Privacy and Disclosure
- Website and Portal Information
- Queries
Keep Kids Safe in Dance
DanceStruck upholds Victorian Child Safe Standards and Law practices. Providing necessary training and information for all staff. All staff have undergone an official Victorian Working with Children Check and hold valid WWC cards.
We have systems in place reporting abuse (including emotional, physical sexual and physiological abuse) and are required by law to report any occurrence or believe any child is at risk. Should you observe anything that indicates the above on premises, please alert staff immediately.
We know that our students and families will embrace the Keeps Kids Safe in Dance ethics and be proud to lead the way in our community.
For full details, please download our Safeguarding Policy 2025
Staff Code of Conduct
Our teachers and staff will:
- Provide a well-prepared curriculum for every class with outcomes and objectives based on the internationally/nationally accredited program the class operates within.
- Attend regular training and maintain industry relevant qualifications.
- Allow all students the opportunity to learn and train in a safe, welcoming, and positive environment.
- Display positive, affirmative, and respectful language at all times and uphold this with students.
- Give constructive feedback to students impartially and without prejudice or discrimination, for the sole purpose of improvement and education.
- Ensure the tutelage of all students is equal, regardless of any talent, ability, or disability.
- Respect the rights and privacy of students and all other staff members.
- Promote and demonstrate acceptance and understanding of a healthy body image in line with Victorian health guidelines, and lead by example in any discussion of nutrition, exercise, and behaviour.
For more details, download our Code of Professional Conduct.
Student Code of Conduct
Students are required to:
- Refrain from any dance training at another school while enrolled at DanceStruck.
- All students must arrive to classes in the correct DanceStruck uniform and maintain a high level of personal grooming for classes (including a bun for Ballet). Dancewear should be clean and free from rips or tears at all times. New students are given a 2-week grace period in which to acquire the relevant uniform.
- Refrain from the use of social media when attending the studio.
- Respect the rights and privacy of all DanceStruck teachers and staff, as well as each other.
- All students must bring a water bottle to each class to remain hydrated
- Report any form of bullying between students to DanceStruck staff, including via social media. Bullying will never be tolerated and can result in suspension or expulsion from the school.
- Not to eat food in the studios. Food and drink can be consumed in the students waiting area, warm up area, kitchen area or homework area. Students must be mindful of allergies and refrain from bringing high risk allergens such as nuts, fish and strawberries.
- Respect all DanceStruck property including studio equipment, costumes and other borrowed items. This includes cleaning up after breaks.
- Regularly attend classes punctually and, as a courtesy, apologise when interrupting a class and to advise staff (in advance when possible) if they will be absent from a class.
- Be mindful that they are role models for each other, especially for younger, more impressionable students.
- Revise and practice between classes, and when preparing for exams, competitions, concerts, and special events.
- Be mindful of their language, conversations, and behaviour when they are representing DanceStruck at any outside function such as exams, competitions, concerts, or special events. Official studio jackets must be worn to any event where students are representing the studio.
- Student honesty is mandatory. Stealing is not tolerated and will result in expulsion from the school. Lost Property can be claimed from the office.
Disruptions to Class/Missed Classes due to Illness
Classes are delivered at the same time each week unless the timetable is updated by DanceStruck. DanceStruck agrees to provide reasonable alternatives to missed or moved classes including online delivery or make-up sessions in a comparable class.
If your child is unwell, please do not attend classes.
- You may be eligible for a class credit if:
- You miss your allotted session due to illness.
- If you will be absent due to a family holiday or event and have notified the office in writing at least 3 working days prior to the missed class/es.
- To reschedule a missed session simply log into the Member portal at any time to a make-up class.
- Should an appropriate make-up class be unavailable please contact the office for support.
- All make up sessions must be used within twenty-eight (28) days of the missed session.
- If you are unable to attend a make-up session within the twenty-eight (28) days, the class will be forfeit entirely.
- In accordance with ACCC legislation no refunds will be available for missed attendance or disruptions to the class timetable outside of the dance school’s control. The dance school may provide one or more of the below options at DanceStruck’s discretion:
- an alternative session to attend in person.
- delivery of the curriculum online and live, with resources and music to ensure your child’s dance education stays on track.
- a class credit to be redeemed within 6 months of the event.
Faculty and Timetable Changes
DanceStruck aims to notify families as soon as possible if a teacher is unavailable due to illness or schedule change.
Where possible, the teacher will organise a suitable and qualified replacement approved by the studio. In the event that a suitable teacher cannot be found or a suitable make-up class scheduled, a credit applied to the family account.
DanceStruck reserves the right to change the class timetable at any time (time or day of service), and will give at least 1 weeks notice to affected families.
Student Withdrawal/Cancellation Policy
Applications for cancellation cannot be taken over the phone or in person and are not able to be backdated. All cancellations of membership but be in writing to the office.
- All debts must be cleared prior to membership resignation.
- As soon as the minimum duration of your membership has elapsed, you may resign from your membership by emailing us at office@dancestruck.com with a clear and official resignation.
- Resignation will include processing a twenty-eight (28) day notice upfront prorated payment in accordance with credit status of membership account.
- Once the final prorate payment has been processed and all debts cleared, payments will cease immediately and access to your child’s classes will cease twenty-eight (28) days post resignation as per the contract.
DanceStruck reserves the right to engage a third party to collect any unpaid money for redeemed services over 2 months old. Recover costs will be added to any outstanding fees at 30% of the overdue amount and the debt may be reported to the relevant government body.
Prerequisites for Programs
The below programs have compulsory pre-requisites for enrollment. This is to provide the appropriate and safe foundation practices to ensure students can get the most out of their classes in a way that builds confidence, skill, muscle memory and endurance.
- Jazz students from Level 1 and up must also attend Ballet classes.
- Tap students from Level 1 and up must also attend Ballet classes.
- Contemporary students must attend Ballet classes.
- Acrobatic Arts students must also attend 1 additional technique class.
- Students wishing to participate in R.A.D Ballet Exams are required to participate in a minimum of 2.25 hours of training per week.
- End of year production students must also attend a corresponding weekday or additional Saturday Ballet class.
General Uniform Policy
We’re strong advocates of uniforms and can attest to the benefits of having them at DanceStruck, they are integral to our school as they:
- Create social equality.
- Promote teamwork and community.
- Remove aspects of peer pressure.
- Reduce distractions.
- Ease for students and parents (no need to buy the trendy new thing)
- Enable teachers to observe specific movements clearly and give appropriate feedback.
Approved studio uniforms should be worn to classes at all times.
- Failure to arrive at classes correctly groomed can result in students being sent from the class to complete their uniform or grooming before returning.
- Knee pads may be required for some contemporary/lyrical classes.
- To review your program’s uniform, visit our webpage here: https://dancestruck.com.au/about-us/uniforms/
- R.A.D Ballet Grades 1-8 will be required to purchase character shoes and hire or purchase a character skirt. Your teacher will advise when these need to be purchased.
- Senior students (Mulberry and Onyx) are role models for the younger students in the school, as such we ask for a high level of grooming and uniform.
- Ribbons may be required for Grade 3 Ballet onwards, for a video on how to sew these onto your ballet shoes, click here.
- R.A.D Ballet Grades 6-8 require a sheer black mid-length skirt for Exam classes. Please ask your teacher for more information.
Hair and Grooming
- Ballet, Tap, Contemporary and Jazz students must attend class with their hair in a bun, or if not long enough, in a ponytail with a headband to ensure vision is not obscured.
- Here is a wonderful video on how to do a bun (if you have thin hair just do one twist instead of splitting the ponytail in two).
- Hair nets and pins are readily available in the hair isle of your local supermarket or at most $2 shops.
- Acrobatic Arts requires a mid-level ponytail for ease while tumbling.
- Other program students are required to have their hair neatly off their faces for dancing.
Disruptions to Class/Missed Classes/Heat Policy
Classes are delivered at the same time each week unless the timetable is updated by DanceStruck. DanceStruck agrees to provide reasonable alternatives to missed or moved classes including online delivery or make-up sessions in a comparable class.
If your child is unwell, please do not attend classes.
You may be eligible for a class credit if:
- You miss your allotted session due to illness.
- If you will be absent due to a family holiday or event and have notified the office in writing at least 3 working days prior to the missed class/es.
To reschedule a missed session simply log into the Member portal at any time to a make-up class.
Should an appropriate make-up class be unavailable please contact the office for support.
- All make up sessions must be used within twenty-eight (28) days of the missed session.
- If you are unable to attend a make-up session within the twenty-eight (28) days, the class will be forfeit entirely.
In accordance with ACCC legislation no refunds will be available for missed attendance or disruptions to the class timetable outside of the dance school's control. The dance school may provide one or more of the below options at DanceStruck's discretion:
- an alternative session to attend in person.
- delivery of the curriculum online and live, with resources and music to ensure your child's dance education stays on track.
- a class credit to be redeemed within 6 months of the event.
Our heat threshold for normal class operation is 35 degrees celsius at 1pm on the day.
- Should the temperature be at or over 35 degrees celsius the class will be cancelled and a make-up scheduled.
- In the event a class cannot be rescheduled a class voucher for 1 session will be applied to your account.
- If it is over 28 degrees our teachers adopt our heat program including but not limited to:
- Extra drink breaks
- Continuous circulation of fans or air conditioning where possible
- Increased theoretical dance discussion and education to avoid overexertion.
- Should parents/guardians not wish for their child to attend a session over 28 degrees, they may reschedule a make-up session via the member's portal.
- No session credits will be available as class will be running as scheduled.
Pointe Work (on the toes)
Pointe work is a skill. As such we require students to attend pre-pointe classes for conditioning to ensure muscle groups are strong and the pointe work can be performed safely.
Graduating to pointe is a result of hard work, determination, and skill. As such, there is no set en pointe where students will graduate to en pointe.
Once our teachers believe a student is ready for pointe shoes, we will recommend a podiatrist specialising in dance to review the student’s abilities and confirm they will be able to start their training.
Royal Academy of Dance (R.A.D) International Ballet & Southern Federation of Dance (S.F.D) National Tap & Jazz Exams
It can be seen as a scary word, Exams, but not at DanceStruck. Exams are simply to provide feedback and opportunities for growth, both at dancing and at school.
We use these opportunities to encourage excitement and progression. By ensuring students are well prepared, we provide tools and skills to set up many of our students to look forward to the experience and have seen these tools really benefit our dancers in their teenage years.
Exams are by invitation only, and at the discretion of the studio. We pride ourselves on an extremely high level of training and it is important to us that Students are ready for each grade.
- To progress to the next level of Ballet, students must complete one of the below:
- An official R.A.D Exam (usually with 3 other students)
- The official Class Award with an R.A.D Examiner
- To progress to the next level of Tap or Jazz, students must complete one of the below:
- An official S.F.D Exam (usually with 3 other students)
- The Internal S.F.D. Assessment
For more information on the above please contact the office.
Performance Academy
Students wishing to compete in classical or theatrical styles in Eisteddfods or competitions will require weekly private coaching, and agree to the following:
- The student may not compete for any other dance school while enrolled at DanceStruck.
- One parent must attend their child’s private lessons to view and/or record the session for home practice.
- All choreography is the intellectual property of DanceStruck and cannot be used for any other purpose.
- Any entry fees or costumes for competitions will be at the expense of the student.
Concert Costumes
Any applicable costumes for the mid and end of year performances are included in your monthly subscription and will remain the property of DanceStruck.
- Costumes are designed to be modest, tasteful and age appropriate.
- Students must wear a bodystocking underneath their costume, should one not be brought to a performance the cost of the body stocking will be added to your account.
- RSD/RSB students do not require a body stocking as their concert costumes are included in their membership
Copyright & Intellectual Property
All recording devices (visual & audio) such as Mobile Phones/Smartphones, Laptops & iPads/Tablets, must be switched to mute or turned off during class. Students may not photograph/video/record audio in classes or change-rooms without the teacher’s permission.
- Where permission has been given to record a class or routine for rehearsal purposes, use of that recording has been authorised for that purpose only and under no circumstances must it be posted or allowed to be posted by others online or on social networking media of any kind.
- Images of students must not be posted by anyone on social media without that student’s knowledge and permission.
Choreography and class programs are the intellectual property of DanceStruck.
- No choreography is allowed to be posted on any social media without permission from the studio. This includes solo and troupe choreography.
- The recording and airing/sharing/posting/distribution of teachers’ class routines is a serious breach of copyright & confidentiality. Offences may result in expulsion and in some circumstances, legal action.
Filming, Recording and Photography
Parents have traditionally been allowed to photograph or video their child for their family archives during pre-organised viewing weeks or open weeks. Naturally, other students might be filmed in the process.
- Students, parents, or guardians who do not wish their child to be photographed or videoed either intentionally or unintentionally have the right to express this to the office ahead of time and to have it observed in these sessions.
- If not done ahead of time, DanceStruck is not responsible for upholding the above.
- If any student, parent or guardian objects to photos or videos being taken of their class, no cameras or recorders will be permitted for any family.
Filming and photography at DanceStruck Concerts/Events or at the studio are strictly prohibited and copyrighted.
- If observed filming or taking photos during live events, the offender will be made to delete the recording/video and be expelled from the event. Tickets/access will not be refunded.
- DanceStruck may choose to provide Professional DVDs/Digital Photographs for purchase (some are included in your membership) and are authorised for private use only.
- No Photography/Video/Audio recording is permitted at any time in studio, in the dressing rooms, at theatres or in performance venues.
DanceStruck reserves the right to photograph and record video of students at the studio and performance venues for use in promotion of the studio and its students. Parents or guardians who do not wish images of their child (17yrs or under) published should contact the studio.
Car Park Etiquette and Studio Rules
- Drop off/Pick Up:
- Parents must park and collect their children from the foyer/front door. It is not safe for students to walk through the studio car parks without a parent present.
- Vehicles must not stop and drop/collect young students in front of Studio driveway at any time, this causes issues in the car park.
- Food/Drink:
- Students must not share food or drink.
- Hands must be washed after eating.
- Food, gum, or open liquid containers other than sealed drink bottles are prohibited in the studio.
- Nuts are prohibited due to student allergies.
- Students must bring a drink bottle to class.
- Lost property:
- DanceStruck takes no responsibility for personal items left at the studio.
- Left personal items such as clothing, drink bottles and shoes should be given in at the desk or to a teacher.
- Should an item not be claimed within a month and have no name on it, it will be donated.
- General Areas:
- Students are required to clean up after themselves and maintain neat and clean studios, change rooms and toilets.
- Students are not to eat food in dressing rooms or anywhere other designated areas.
- The kitchen is to be left tidy (wash up dishes, wipe benches etc) and all used cups need to be washed and returned.
- Students are not allowed to comb, brush, style or fix their hair in the kitchen area.
- Hygiene:
- Students may only apply roll on deodorant in the dressing rooms, as spray deodorants can cause an allergic or asthmatic reaction for some students.
- Feminine Hygiene receptacles are in all female toilets. Feminine hygiene products must not be flushed as they may cause blockages.
- Dressing Rooms:
- No parents or guardians are allowed in student dressing rooms.
- DanceStruck staff and volunteers (with a valid working with children check) will be on hand to assist students if a parent is precluded from going backstage.
- Emergency/Evacuation:
- In the unlikely event of an emergency, an evacuation of the studio may occur.
- The emergency plan is located in the foyer, our designated meeting place is at the gates to the car park.
- Once everyone is out of the building, staff will conduct a head count and will contact families via text message to advise of the situation and next steps.
- It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that mobile phone numbers are accurate and up to date, using the format 614XXXXXXXX in their parent portal.
Injuries, Accidents, Allergies & Medical Conditions
Students and Parents/Guardians are required to report all accidents/injuries to the teacher and staff at the front Reception desk immediately and have an accident/injury report registered.
- Students with a documented condition, disability, allergy, or Asthma diagnosis that requires a specific treatment plan must submit the relevant plan to DanceStruck staff at the commencement of classes and every year thereafter.
- The plan should include your child’s photo, as well as all details relating to the condition and management and any medications that your child may need to take when in our care.
- These medications must be kept up to date, and provided by parents at the start of each class and taken home at the end of the child’s dance day.
- DanceStruck staff cannot dispense medication.
- Parents/Guardians agree and acknowledge that in the event of injury, suitably qualified staff may be required to administer first aid treatment. In some cases, it may be required to contact an ambulance.
- It is the parent's responsibility to ensure that students are covered under a suitable ambulance cover and any fees or out of pocket expenses will be the responsibility of the parent.
- Students are provided basic cover by DanceSurance as a part of membership, please contact the office for more information on what is covered and what is not. You can view the PDS here.
- Dancing is a strenuous activity from which injuries could arise.
- DanceStruck and its teachers/staff are not liable for personal injuries, or loss of, or damage to personal property.
- Each student may decline to participate in any activity. Please inform the instructor of any physical limitations you may have.
- If you are in doubt as to your physical abilities, please consult your physician before participating.
- Participants release and hold harmless Dancestruck and its teachers/staff for any and all claims, losses, and suits.
- Should a student be injured whilst attending classes, staff and teachers will undertake appropriate first aid and will notify the child’s parent.
- An incident form will be completed. Should further treatment need to be sought, DanceStruck insurances may compensate for the cost of the treatment, only where the injury could have been prevented by DanceStruck staff, teachers, and its facilities.
Privacy & Disclosure
DanceStruck observes all relevant principles outlined in the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic), click here for more information.
We collect specific personal information, which is reasonably necessary for, or directly related to, one or more its functions or activities. We Collect your Personal Information in several ways, including but not limited to:
- The enrollment process on our Website or via our Member Portal
- Other instances in which you provide Personal Information via email or written correspondence.
- Over the phone or in person at the studio.
The type of personal information we collect is the information that is needed to facilitate your child’s dance lessons, services and products. The information we may collect may include but is not limited to details such as your: name, residential and/or mailing address, contact numbers, email address, credit/debit card details (including card type, card number and expiry date), and any medical conditions applicable to the care of your child.
We may engage third parties to provide you with goods or services on our behalf. In that circumstance, we may disclose your personal information to those third parties in order to meet your request for goods or services.
Personal information may be disclosed in special situations where we have reason to believe that doing so is necessary to identify, contact or bring legal action against anyone damaging, injuring, or interfering (intentionally or unintentionally) with our rights or property, users, or anyone else who could be harmed by such activities.
We may disclose personal information when we believe in good faith that the law requires disclosure.
Website Privacy
This website is owned and operated by DanceStruck and will be referred to as “we”, “our” and “us” in this Internet Privacy Policy. By using this site, you agree to the Internet Privacy Policy of this web site (“the web site”), which is set out on this web site page.
The Internet Privacy Policy relates to the collection and use of personal information you may supply to us through your conduct on the web site. We reserve the right, at our discretion, to modify or remove portions of this Internet Privacy Policy at any time. This Internet Privacy Policy is in addition to any other terms and conditions applicable to the web site. We do not make any representations about third party web sites that may be linked to the web site.
We recognise the importance of protecting the privacy of information collected about visitors to our web site, in particular information that is capable of identifying an individual (“personal information”). This Internet Privacy Policy governs the manner in which your personal information, obtained through the web site, will be dealt with. This Internet Privacy Policy should be reviewed periodically so that you are updated on any changes. We welcome your comments and feedback.
Personal information about visitors to our site is collected only when knowingly and voluntarily submitted. For example, we may need to collect such information to provide you with further services or to answer or forward any requests or enquiries. It is our intention that this policy will protect your personal information from being dealt with in any way that is inconsistent with applicable privacy laws in Australia.
We will take all reasonable steps deemed necessary to protect the personal information you provide. No data transmission over the Internet can never be guaranteed to be totally secure and DanceStruck is not liable for any breaches of security. We strive to ensure the security, integrity and privacy of personal information submitted to our sites, and we review and update our security where updates are necessary.
Our employees and the contractors who provide services related to our information systems are obliged to respect the confidentiality of any personal information held by us.
Copies of correspondence sent from the website, that may contain personal information, are stored as archives for record-keeping and back-up purposes only.
Cookies are data that a website transfers to an individual’s hard drive for record-keeping purposes. Cookies, which are industry standard and are used by most websites, including those operated by us, can facilitate a user’s ongoing access to and use of a site. They allow us to customise the web site to your needs.
If you do not want information collected through the use of Cookies, there is a simple procedure in most browsers that allows you to deny or accept the Cookie feature. But you should note that Cookies may be necessary to provide you with some features of our on-line services.
Parent Portal & Access to Information
DanceStruck provides parents with access to a parent portal where parents are able to view and manage their child/ren’s personal details and enrollment. This system also allows parents to pay securely online via Integrapay, using a credit card or bank account, click here to view the IntegraPay terms and conditions.
We will endeavour to take all reasonable steps to keep secure any information which we hold about you, and to keep this information accurate and up to date. If, at any time, you discover that information held about you is incorrect, you may update this in the portal or contact us to have the information corrected.
Links to Other Sites
We may provide links to third party websites for the purpose of the program you are enrolled in. These linked sites are not under our control, and we cannot accept responsibility for the conduct of companies linked to our website.
Before disclosing your personal information on any other website, we advise you to examine the terms and conditions of using that website and its privacy statement.
Further Privacy Information
For more information about privacy issues in Australia and protecting your privacy, visit the Australian Federal Privacy Commissioner’s website.
Problems or Questions
If DanceStruck becomes aware of any ongoing concerns or problems in the studio or with our website, we will address these in a timely manner befitting the issue.
If you have any further queries relating to our Privacy Policy, or you have a problem or complaint, please contact us by email office@dancestruck.com. DanceStruck will not reply to, or tolerate, inappropriate or offensive language.